The end of November through January 1st is my absolute favorite time of the year. I love the time we get to spend with our loved ones and all of the traditions we’ve made over the years. I have been thinking about how this is the time to really establish some traditions that we do every year now that Dakota just turned two. I wanted to share a couple that we already have and a few that I think we may start doing this year. I want to make it just as magical as my parents always made it for me.

  1. You know in the movie Christmas Vacation where Clark has the whole family go outside and do the drumroll sound? Ya, we do that now! Dakota and I went out to the street and did the drumroll while Jon plugged in the lights. There were only a couple mishaps with lights out, but much better than Clarks! We like to put up our lights and Christmas decor the weekend before Thanksgiving. I know, I know some people would say thats too early but we REALLY get into it. We are completely decked out in our festive pajamas, santa hats and blasting music! We like to decorate every room in the house with at least something Christmasy.
  2. We may be total weirdos for this but we wear holiday or winter pajamas every night leading up to Christmas. It’s so much fun and you just can’t be in a bad mood wearing candy canes and elf pajamas!
  3. This year we started a new tradition of buying a real tree for Dakota to have upstairs in her playroom. We go to the tree farm and pick out a tabletop 3′-4′ tree. As she gets older we will have her decorate it however she would like. This is a tradition that Jon’s mom did with him growing up. This year it will have colored lights and all of the “fun” ornaments that didn’t quite go with my decor downstairs. Ha!
  4. Watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation together is a must for us! That has been Jon’s favorite movie for so long and I just jumped on that bandwagon a few years ago. My favorite movies have always been Home Alone or The Santa Clause. Honestly though, if you’re at our house anytime in December there will probably be Christmas music or a movie playing! That’s just how we roll around here.
  5. The night before Christmas we always give each other Christmas pajamas. Both of our families did that every year so it was natural for us. Its been a cool thing to continue with each other and now with Dakota too! This year is going to be SO different because she can actually open presents herself. Ahh… let the fun begin!
  6. Elf on the shelf is new to us this year! I think that it’s fairly new in the last 5-10 years, am I right? I got her a leopard print sassy elf, I thought that was fitting for my sassy girl. We will get Dakota the book that goes along with the elf this year and start all of that fun!
  7. Christmas Eve service at church is a given. Celebrating the reason for the season and singing all of the Christmas carols is my favorite!
  8. Driving around to look at all of the pretty Christmas lights has been something we’ve done every year since I was little. I think I may make it a little more complex and add in hot cocoa or coffee and cookies in the car. That could be really fun and make for some great memories!
  9. This year we want to take Dakota shopping for a child in need. Our church has a program that we are going to do this year. It’s so important for Dakota to know that helping people is a priority for us.
  10. Every year we’ve gone to Jon’s sister and Brother in laws after we open gifts at home. We always have egg souffle casserole for breakfast at their house. Unfortunately, they moved this year and we won’t be able to see them! We will miss them BIG time this year! I am going to carry on the tradition by making egg souffle. My mom and sister will be visiting us, so we thankfully won’t be alone!


What do YOU do with your family? Do you have some ideas for us? I would LOVE to hear some and get more ideas. Leave me a comment here or on Instagram. Don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss a post.

Thank you so much for all of the love I’ve received in the last week since launching the blog, you all are awesome!!

xo, Jessica