It’s about time I wrote it down! I had a long wait at the dealership the other day and the only thing that wouldn’t kill my phone battery was typing this up in “notes.” Just a warning, this gets pretty detailed, so if you’re grossed out by topics mentioned in a birth story I wouldn’t read this!

On November 22nd I started feeling contractions around 8pm that felt just like the Braxton Hicks I was having a couple nights before. My mom and sister were staying with us and I remember my mom saying “I think this is going to be it, you’ll probably have her tomorrow.” At that point I thought I’d never have her!! Looking back, I was so emotionally drained and just ready to get the bowling ball out of my stomach. I was only a couple days overdue but that felt like an eternity.

The contractions were about 6 minutes apart at that time. We went to bed and at 2am I woke up to some water leaking out, my eyes flew open and I went into the bathroom. At that point the contractions started to feel more uncomfortable. I was timing them and they were around 4 minutes apart. At that point I wasn’t really panicking at all, I just knew it was probably happening that day.

I hadn’t been dilated or effaced at all, so the idea of c-section was already in my mind. A bath seemed like a good idea to just peacefully go through the contractions. I remembered reading if they didn’t go away from a bath I was probably in labor. The bath felt great but it wasn’t taking the contractions away. After that I went out in the kitchen, made myself a bowl of oatmeal (don’t ask me why) and then laid down on the couch. The contractions were intense but somehow I went back to sleep for a couple of hours.

I suddenly woke up around 6am to a very sharp pain and had to go to the bathroom. That’s when I had a “bloody show.” It was the mucus plug I had been hearing and reading all about. I was pretty proud of my body for doing all of the right things at this point. I knew then it was time to wake everyone up and take a shower to get ready for the hospital. My contractions were around 2-3 minutes apart.

I woke Jon up and he was so excited, he was in shock that it was time to go and it was finally happenin! He went upstairs and woke up my mom and sister. My mom is a kind of a huge worrier (sorry mom, I love you), so she panicked a bit that my contractions were so close together. But I was sure that Dakota hadn’t even dropped, I could tell there was no change. I could tell I wasn’t dilating. So we all hurried up, threw our last minute items together and got in the car. In all fairness to my mom, our hospital was in downtown Nashville and if I had been dilated that would have been a pretty scary situation!

We got there in record time, I think about 20 minutes, just after 7am. They admitted me and checked for amniotic fluids. It tested that my water had indeed broken so I could stay there. They checked me and I still wasn’t even dilated at all! It was frustrating but I already knew I felt no changes. I never felt like she was going to fall out like all of my friends had described. They called Dr. Lodge and he said he would be there at 12pm and to schedule the c-section. I asked if I was possibly dilated in a couple hours and wanting to do it naturally could I do that? They said “of course!”

The pressure and pain was super intense at that time, I didn’t want to sit there dying for another 4 1/2 hours so I asked what could I have to take the edge off. They suggested this drug (the worst decision) that made me so high!! High as a kite! I can’t remember what it was called, but it sure did take the edge off for those 4.5 hours, but also made me feel like I was swimming in warm water. I was so out of it and couldn’t keep my eyes open or have a conversation!  

So the next thing I know, I’ve basically signed my life away while sleeping and also agreed to let students do my spinal tap. NOT GOOD. The next thing I know, my doctor shows up (at noon) and does a vaginal check on me. He goes “oh yeah, the sac is bulging out and I can’t even feel her.” She never could engage my cervix to dilate! He then told me “I’m going to break your water the rest of the way.”

When he did that, it was the weirdest sensation and totally freaked my high and paranoid brain out! What really didn’t help, there ended up being meconium in the water. I knew that meant something could go wrong if she ingested too much. Immediately I was scared and anxious. Again, I’m so high and thinking holy sh*t get this baby out now! My doctor said to the nurses, ” Get her transferred and prepped for surgery, I’m going downstairs to get a sandwich.” like what!? I was thinking how can you eat at a time like this? I know I wasn’t totally wrong because the nurse was annoyed with him too!

WARNING: This gets extra graphic- don’t read if you are grossed out easily! Also, don’t read if you are my father in law or really any guy! Haha!!

They got me moved over to a new rollable bed to transfer to the room and meanwhile fluids are just gushing out of me (TMI? Sorry!). It was actually very gross and uncomfortable. I thought my water would break and it would be done, so that shocked me too! 

When I got to the room they had me sit up again and get to the edge of the bed to do the spinal. This is where I realized I somehow (Thanks Jon, haha) said “yes” to a student doing my spinal tap. Look, I get they need to learn but probably not a good idea for my first time. Well, the student did it while the professor was coaching her and she missed the spot. So, a jolt of electricity shot down my left side. I guess that happens when you miss the middle? Just a guess. The teacher asked where I felt that and I said “uhh my left side.”

He then instructed her how to numb the other side. The whole time I’m freaking out mentally. Now what if I’m not all the way numb in the middle or something? That’s what I was thinking because I was so paranoid! But it was go time! Next thing I know I’m laying down, a curtain is pulled and Jon walks in.

I was pretty terrified and I’m sure my heart was racing so fast!  I was so scared. I’m really looking forward to experiencing another c-section one day without the high brain drug. Hopefully I can have a clearer mindset and be more relaxed. As he was cutting and tugging on things behind the curtain I kept thinking oh my gosh when am I going to hear her cry!?! Hurry up!!

Finally after what felt like a year, I hear her cry and see her! Well kind of! The nurse told us she had a little poop in her hair and was cleaning her up. Jon said is “Is that why her hair is brown?” The nurse laughed and said “No, she has brown hair!” Haha! Hilarious! She was born with a head full of dark brown hair. Quite a shocker for us blondes!

They laid her on my chest so I could see her and kiss her, but only for a minute. They rushed to get all cleaned up in the nursery and I had to get put back together. My doctor was working on it for awhile and then he goes “Man, you’re a bleeder!” Not what you want to hear! I’m like oh now I’m dying!! He said “ I know you don’t take aspirin or anything, hmm you just bled a lot” now that I think about it, I wonder if that’s why my recovery was so painful. I lost a lot of blood! Maybe the more time you’re opened up and the more blood you lose would contribute to a painful recovery? I have no idea, any one know this answer?

Finally, he put me back together and transported back to my room. I got to hold Dakota and nurse her and all of the good things!! I was so overwhelmed with the intense love I felt for her. The most amazing moment of my life to hold my new baby. She was a breastfeeding champ from the first minute. She immediately latched on.

Unfortunately the next problem arose pretty quickly. I was very tired and SO nauseous. I’d have to pass her off so I could dry heave! I tried an ice chip and threw it right up. Both of our families were In town just waiting to meet Dakota. They would all clear the room each time it happened, which is pretty funny in hindsight! I couldn’t keep my eyes open and hardly remember anything from the night other than the struggle. I do remember my brother in law looking at me and either saying “you poor thing” or gave me the you poor thing look. Actually, everyone was giving me that look ! I’ve never heard of that happening to anyone after a c-section.

Thankfully I woke up on Thanksgiving morning and felt much better! I could finally eat something and hold Dakota without being sick. I really loved being at the hospital and all of the nurses helping us so much. Our families came to see us and even brought Thanksgiving food from the country club. I was so thankful for them coming in town to meet Dakota. They all live in other states and spent time and money to make it happen. I am very grateful! My mom came for two weeks to help us out. It was such a huge blessing to have her with us.

Thank you for reading. I figured it was about time to actually write this down before mom brain took over and I forgot everything!

